9 ^匹配字符串的开头

s = 'This module provides regular expression matching operations similar to those found in Perl'
pat = r'^[emrt]' # 查找以字符e,m,r或t开始的字符串
r = re.findall(pat,s)
# [],因为字符串的开头是字符`T`,不在emrt匹配范围内,所以返回为空
IN [11]: s2 = 'email for me is guozhennianhua@163.com'
re.findall('^[emrt].*',s2)# 匹配以e,m,r,t开始的字符串,后面是多个任意字符
Out[11]: ['email for me is guozhennianhua@163.com']

10 re.I 忽略大小写

s = 'That'
pat = r't'
r = re.findall(pat,s,re.I)
In [22]: r
Out[22]: ['T', 't']

11 理解compile的作用


import re
pat = re.compile('\W+') # \W 匹配不是数字和字母的字符
has_special_chars = pat.search('ed#2@edc')
if has_special_chars:
    print(f'str contains special characters:{has_special_chars.group(0)}')

 # str contains special characters:#

### 再次使用pat正则编译对象 做匹配
again_pattern = pat.findall('guozhennianhua@163.com')
if '@' in again_pattern:
    print('possibly it is an email')

12 使用()捕获单词,不想带空格


s = 'This module provides regular expression matching operations similar to those found in Perl'
pat = r'\s([a-zA-Z]+)'
r = re.findall(pat,s)
print(r) #['module', 'provides', 'regular', 'expression', 'matching', 'operations', 'similar', 'to', 'those', 'found', 'in', 'Perl']


s = 'This module provides regular expression matching operations similar to those found in Perl'
pat = r'\s?([a-zA-Z]+)'
r = re.findall(pat,s)
print(r) #['This', 'module', 'provides', 'regular', 'expression', 'matching', 'operations', 'similar', 'to', 'those', 'found', 'in', 'Perl']